Graduate Student Supervision
Also see Research Lab
I am interested in supervising graduate students undertaking studies similar to my research foci outlined on my homepage, regarding ethnic minority livelihoods in upland Southeast Asia and southern China, and informal economy livelihoods, urban mobility, and infrastructural violence and lives in urban and rural Southeast Asia and China. I’m also open to considering a range of other potential human geography topics in the region.
You are welcome to contact me regarding graduate work at McGill, but please consider the following first:
- review the range of topics I am willing to supervise.
- send with your initial email query, an electronic copy of your academic transcript, a copy of your CV, and a paragraph regarding your research interests. Please also include your last TOEFL score if you do not have English as your first language.
- note that McGill encourages students to find their own funding. Please see the graduate and postdoctoral studies webpage for possible funding information, and include in your email how you propose to fund your studies.
- for information regarding admission procedures to the Department of Geography, please see the Department Graduate webpage.
Please note that due to the number of email enquires regarding supervision, I will often only be able to respond to those enquires that take the above points into account.
Fieldwork with Hmong householders, Northern Vietnam