
Selected relevant SEA Massif publications from the lab. Names written in full are current or former lab members.


Turner, Sarah, A.Derks, and J-F.Rousseau (editors) (2022) Fragrant Frontier.Global Spice Entanglements from the Sino-Vietnamese Uplands. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press. [ISBN: 978-87-7694-313-4]

Smyer Yu, D. and Jean Michaud (eds, 2017) Trans-Himalayan Borderlands. Livelihoods, Territorialities, Modernities. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.

Michaud, Jean; M. B. Ruscheweyh; M. B. Swain (2016) Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif. Second Edition. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London, Rowman & Littlefield, 594p.

Turner, Sarah, Christine Bonnin and Jean Michaud (2015) Frontier Livelihoods. Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Turner, Sarah (Ed), (2013) Red Stamps and Gold Stars: Fieldwork Dilemmas in upland Socialist Asia. UBC Press, Vancouver.

De Koninck, R. and Jean-François Rousseau (2013) Gambling With the Land: The Contemporary Evolution of Southeast Asian Agriculture. NUS Press, Singapore.

Michaud, Jean and T. Forsyth (Eds), 2011: Moving Mountains: Livelihoods and Ethnicity in upland China, Vietnam and Laos. UBC Press: Vancouver.

Caouette, D. and Sarah Turner (Eds), 2009: Agrarian Angst and Rural Resistance in Contemporary Southeast Asia. Routledge: London.

Rousseau, Jean-François. & O. Durand. (eds.) 2009. Une seule terre à cultiver, les défis de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation mondiales. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Michaud, Jean 2007: Incidental’ Ethnographers. French Catholic Missions on the Tonkin-Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930. Leiden & Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.  

Michaud, Jean 2006: Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the South-East Asian Massif. Lanham (MD): Scarecrow Press.

Tapp, N., Michaud, Jean; Culas, C. and G. Y. Lee (Eds) 2004: Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books.

Michaud, Jean (Ed.) 2000: Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples. The Mountain Minorities of the South-East Asian Massif. London: Curzon Press.

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Journal Articles and Book Chapters:


Langill, Jennifer C. (2023). ‘I shouldn’t have to do this alone’: intersectional livelihoods and single Hmong women in ThailandGender, Place & Culture, 1-20.

Turner, Sarah, Pham, T.T.H., Ngo, T.H., and Celia Zuberec (2023) Rooftop gardening complexities in the Global South: Motivations, practices, and politics. Geographical Research. Pp.1-15.

Nguyen, N. Binh and S.Turner (2023 – open access) Turf wars: The livelihood and mobility frictions of motorbike taxi drivers on Hanoi’s streets. Asia Pacific Viewpoint.

Slack, Patrick and Sarah Turner (2023 -open access) Ethnic minority livelihoods contesting state visions of ‘ideal farmers’ in Vietnam’s northern borderlands, Journal of Political Ecology 30(1), 448–470. doi: [Winner of the Eric Wolf Prize, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2022].

Garber, Peter and Sarah Turner (2023 – open access). Entangled, unraveled, and reconfigured: Human-animal relations among ethnic minority farmers and water buffalo in the northern uplands of VietnamEnvironment and Planning E

Pham, T T H., Melody Lynch, and Sarah Turner (2023) Creative counter-discourses to the “green city” narrative: practices of small-scale urban agriculture in Hanoi, Vietnam. Local Environment.

Seufert, V., S.E. Austin, M.G. Badami, Sarah Turner, N. Ramankutty (2023). The diversity of organic farmer motivations and livelihoods in the Global South – A case study in Kerala, India. Geoforum, 138.


Turner, Sarah, Labbé, D., Zuberec, Celia & Nguyen, Binh (2022) Creative Hubs in Hanoi, Vietnam: Will Community Visions and State Aspirations Consolidate or CollideMedia-Culture Journal, 25(3).

Labbé, D., Zuberec, C. & Turner S. (2022) Creative hubs in Hanoi, Vietnam: Transgressive spaces in a socialist state? Urban Studies. https://doi:10.1177/00420980221086371 

Labbé, D., Turner, Sarah & Pham, T-T-H. (2022) Subaltern struggles to access public spaces: Young rural migrants in Hanoi, VietnamPopulation, Space and Place

Turner, Sarah (2022) Slow forms of infrastructural violence: The case of Vietnam’s mountainous northern borderlandsGeoforum

Turner, Sarah, A. Derks, and J-F.Rousseau (2022) The fragrant frontier: Conceptual and contextual introductions. In: Turner, S., A. Derks, and J-F.Rousseau (eds) Fragrant Frontier. Global Spice Entanglements from the Sino-Vietnamese Uplands. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press. pp 1-42.

Turner, Sarah and A. Derks (2022) Vietnam’s star anise commodity chains entangled in flex-crop debates. In: Turner, S., A. Derks, and J-F.Rousseau (eds) Fragrant Frontier. Global Spice Entanglements from the Sino-Vietnamese Uplands. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press. pp. 43-67.

Derks, D. Sarah Turner, and Ngô Thúy Hạnh (2022) The taste of cinnamon: Making a specialty product in northern Vietnam. In: Turner, S., A. Derks, and J-F.Rousseau (eds) Fragrant Frontier. Global Spice Entanglements from the Sino-Vietnamese Uplands. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press. pp.94-121.

Turner, Sarah (2022) Afterword: Contemplating the initial impacts of COVID-19. In: Turner, S., A. Derks, and J-F.Rousseau (eds) Fragrant Frontier. Global Spice Entanglements from the Sino-Vietnamese Uplands. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press. pp.219-224.

Turner Sarah & Jean Michaud (2022) Intergenerational strategies: The successes and failures of a Thai family’s approach to labour migration. In Statham, P., Scuzzarello, S., Sunanta, S., & Trupp, A. (Eds.). Thai-Western Mobilities and Migration: Intimacy Within Cross-border Connections. London: Routledge.

Langill,Jennifer, Nguyen, Binh N. and Sarah Turner (2022) ‘If I Don’t Sell Food, How Would I Eat?’ Negotiating Street Vendor Livelihoods in the Context of COVID-19 Lockdowns in Urban Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. In D. Brunn, D. Gilbreath (eds.), COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies

Zuberec, Celia and Sarah Turner (2022) Hanoi’s street vendors on the move. Itinerant vending tactics and mobile methods in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. In Ceren Sezer and Rianne van Melik (eds) Marketplaces: Movements, Representations and Practices. Routledge. pp.15-27.


Turner, Sarah Celia Zuberec, & Michelle Kee 2021. Looking beyond the digital veil: an investigation of the (de)commodification of three “Vietnamese spices”. Food, Culture and Society

Turner, Sarah and S. Delisle, 2021. ‘My Grandmother Never Told Me That Before!’ Collaborative oral histories with ethnic minority youth and elders in northern Vietnam. Commoning Ethnography, 4 (1).

Kee, Michelle, Sarah Turner, D. Labbé (2021) ‘People want good graffiti’: Tensions, contradictions, and everyday politics surrounding graffiti in Hanoi, Vietnam. Area. 

  • Watch the video abstract that accompanies this article here.

Turner, Sarah, Jennifer Langill, Binh N. Nguyen (2021) The utterly unforeseen livelihood shock: COVID-19 and street vendor coping mechanisms in Hanoi, Chiang Mai and Luang PrabangSingapore Journal of Tropical Geography.

Lynch, Melody, Turner, Sarah (2021) Rocking the boat: Intersectional resistance to marine conservation policies Wakatobi, Indonesia. Gender, Place & Culture.

Michaud Jean (2021)  “Is this Pa Chay Vue? A study in three frames.The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. DOI:

Nguyen, A.T., Turner, Sarah & Kalacska, M (2021) Challenging slopes: ethnic minority livelihoods, state visions, and land-use land cover change in Vietnam’s northern mountainous borderlands. Environment, Development and Sustainability.

Turner, Sarah, Celia Zuberec, H.T.T. Pham (2021) Visualizing frictional encounters: Analyzing and representing street vendor strategies in Vietnam through narrative mapping. Applied Geography,

Zuo, Zhenting, Jennifer C. Langill, Sarah Turner, and Jean-François Rousseau (2021) Spices as the saviour? The complex vulnerabilities of three commodity crop booms and ethnic minority livelihoods in Yunnan’s agrarian frontier, Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 62, No. 1, 100-115.

Turner, Sarah and Nguyen, N. Binh 2021. Street Vendor Struggles Maintaining a Livelihood Through the COVID-19 Lockdown in Hanoi Vietnam. In Doucet, B., van Melik, R. and Filion, P. (Eds) Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities. Volume 1: Community and Society. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 21-30.

Turner, Sarah (2021) Ch. 14 “Where I went today…”: Solicited Journals and Narrative Mapping. Iain Hay and Meagan Cope (eds) Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography. Oxford University Press.


Ammar Adenwala & Sarah Turner (2020) Small city politics in the Global South: state imaginaries and everyday realities of a frontier city in northern Vietnam, Urban Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2020.1842098

Derks A., Turner Sarah, and Ngô Thúy Hạnh (2020) Bastard Spice or Champagne of Cinnamon? Conflicting Value Creations along Cinnamon Commodity Chains in Northern Vietnam. Development and Change, 51 (3), 1–26. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12582.

Langill, Jennifer C. and A. S. Willis (2020) The critical need for reciprocity between educational migrants and communities for continuing education and socio-cultural capital in Laos. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 61 (1), 118-133. DOI: 10.1111/apv.12249.

Michaud, Jean (2020) The Art of Not Being Scripted So Much. Current Anthropology 61 (2), 240-263. DOI: 10.1086/708143.

Po, June.Y.T., Jennifer C. Langill, Sarah Turner & Jean Michaud (2020) Distilling Culture into Commodity? The Emergent Homemade Alcohol Trade and Gendered Livelihoods in Upland Northern Vietnam, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 21:5, 397-415.

T-T-H Pham and Sarah Turner (2020) “If I want safe food I have to grow it myself’: Patterns and motivations behind agriculture in a small city in Vietnam’s northern borderlands. Land Use Policy, 96. DOI:

Turner Sarah (2020) Informal motorbike taxi drivers and mobility injustice on Hanoi’s streets. Negotiating the curve of a new narrativeJournal of Transport Geography, 85. DOI:

Turner Sarah & Jean Michaud (2020) Intergenerational strategies: The successes and failures of a Thai family’s approach to labour migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (8), 1467-1665. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1544487.

Turner, Pham T-T-H, and Ngô T. Hanh (2020) The territorialization of Vietnam’s northern upland frontier: Migrant motivations and misgivings from World War Two until today. Migration and Society, 3 (1), 162-179.

Turner, Sarah, Ammar Adenwala and Celia Zuberec (2020) Vulnerability and resilience on the streets: Interrogating intersectionality amongst Southeast Asia’s street vendors. K. Ruwanpura and S. Huang (eds) Handbook of Gender in Asia. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 203-217.


Henein, Y. T-T-H Pham, and Sarah Turner (2019) A small upland city gets a big make-over: Local responses to state ‘modernity’ plans for Lào Cai, Vietnam. Urban Studies56 (16), 3432-3499.

Sarah Turner, Mélie Monnerat, and Patrick Slack (2019) Spice Trade 3.0: Exploring the Modern Spice Trade in Vietnam’s Northern Frontier. Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 19, (4), 98–105.

Rousseau, Jean-François, Sarah Turner, and Y. Xu (2019) Cardamom Casualties: Extreme Weather Events and Ethnic Minority Livelihood Vulnerability in the Sino-Vietnamese BorderlandsClimate7 (1), 1-15. DOI:

Turner, Sarah and C. Bonnin (2019) “Us women know more about rice seeds”: Ethnic minority food security in upland northern Vietnam and the gendered implications of hybrid rice programmes. In: T. Devasahayam, (ed.) Ensuring a Square Meal: Women and Food Security in Southeast Asia. Singapore: World Scientific Press, pp.103-122.


Michaud Jean (2018) “Zomia and Beyond.” In M. Saxer, A. Rippa & A. Horstmann (Eds) Routledge Handbook of Asian Borderlands. London: Routledge.

Rousseau, Jean-François & Turner, Sarah (2018) Not at all costs: Frontier modernization schemes and ethnicminority livelihood debates in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands. Verge – Studies in Global Asias, 4 (1), 133-159.

Turner, Sarah, and Ngô Thúy Hạnh, 2018 (early view). Contesting socialist state visions for modern mobilities: Informal motorbike taxi drivers’ struggles and strategies on Hanoi’s streets, Vietnam. International Development Planning Review.

MacKenzie, J. Christensen, and Sarah Turner (2018) Returning research results: A means for ‘giving back’ and advocating beyond the academy. In: Douglas Herman (ed.) Giving Back. Research and Reciprocity in Indigenous Settings. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, pp.245-263.

Turner, Sarah (2018) “Run and hide when you see the police”: Livelihood contestations and the politics of the street economy in Vietnam’s northern uplands. In: Kirsten Endres and Ann Marie Leshkowich (eds) Traders in motion: Networks, identities, and contestations in the Vietnamese marketplace. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp.41-54.


Eidse, Noelani, Sarah Turner and N. Oswin (2017) Contesting Street Spaces in a Socialist City: Itinerant Vending-Scapes and the Everyday Politics of Mobility in Hanoi, Vietnam. In: Mei-Po Kwan and Tim Schwanen (eds) Geographies of Mobility. Recent advances in theory and method. Chapter 10. Routledge: London.

Michaud, Jean (2017) What’s (written) history for? Anthropology Today. 33(1): 6-10.

Michaud, Jean (2017) “法国殖民军事民族志记录中的越南北部 边境生计ꎬ 1897-1904” [Livelihoods in the Vietnamese Northern Borderlands Recorded in French Colonial Military Ethnographies 1897-1904], translated by Zhang Min张敏译. In Dan Smyer Yu, Li Yunxia and Zeng Li, eds. 环喜马拉雅区域研究编译文集一——环境、生计与文化 [Trans-Himalayan Studies Reader Vol.I: Environment, Livelihood and Culture]. 学苑出版社 [Beijing: Academy Press], pp.240-266.

Michaud, Jean (2017) “佐米亚及其影响力” [Zomia and Beyond], translated by Chen Jianhua and Tan Liying (陈建华、谭丽赢译). In Dan Smyer Yu, Su Faxiang and Li Yunxia, eds. 环喜马拉雅区域研究编译文集二——佐米亚、边疆与跨界 [Trans-Himalayan Studies Reader Vol.II: Zomia, Frontiers and Borderlands]. 学院出版社 [Beijing: Academy Press] pp.12-46.

Michaud, Jean (2017) “Adjusting Livelihood Structure in the Southeast Asian Massif.” Pp.45-64; and Conclusion: Frictions in Trans-Himalayan Studies. Pp.285-98. In Smyer Yü, Dan  &  J. Michaud (Eds). Trans-Himalayan Borderlands: Livelihoods, Territorialities, Modernities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Michaud, Jean (2017) Comment on Jinba Tenzin (PDF, 867 Ko), 2017, “Seeing Like Borders: Convergence Zone as a Post-Zomian Model.” Current Anthropology. 58(5).

Michaud, Jean, and Sarah Turner (2017) Reaching new heights. State legibility in Sa Pa, a Vietnam hill station. Annals of Tourism Research. 66: 37-48.

Rousseau, Jean-François (2017) Does carbon finance make a sustainable difference? Hydropower expansion and livelihood trade-offs in the Red River valley, Yunnan Province, China. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 38(1): 90-107.

Turner, Sarah (2017) A fortuitous frontier opportunity. Cardamom livelihoods in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands. In D. Smyer Yü and J.Michaud (eds) Trans-Himalayan Borderlands Livelihoods, Territorialities, Modernities.Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, pp 263-284.

Turner, Sarah (2017) Ethnic minorities, indigenous groups and development tensions. In A. McGregor, L. Law, F. Miller (eds) Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development. Routledge: London. Chapter 18.

Turner, Sarah., A. Derks, and Ngô Thúy Hạnh (2017) Flex crops or flex livelihoods? The story of a volatile commodity chain in upland northern Vietnam. Journal of Peasant Studies.


Delisle, Sarah and Sarah Turner (2016) ‘The weather is like the game we play’: Coping and adaptation strategies for extreme weather events among ethnic minority groups in upland northern Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 57 (3) 351-364. DOI: 10.1111/apv.12131.

Eidse, Noelani, Sarah Turner, and N. Oswin (2016) Contesting Street Spaces in a Socialist City: Itinerant Vending-Scapes and the Everyday Politics of Mobility in Hanoi, Vietnam. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 106 (2) 340–349.

Kyeyune, Victoria and Sarah Turner (2016) Yielding to high yields? Critiquing food security definitions and policy implications for ethnic minority livelihoods in upland Vietnam. Geoforum, 71, 33–43.

Michaud, Jean, and Sarah Turner (2016) Tonkin’s uplands at the turn of the 20th century: Colonial military enclosure and local livelihood effects. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 57 (2), 154-167.

Turner, Sarah, and Jean Michaud (2016) Sinh kế nơi biên cương: Sự thích ứng của người Hmông ở vùng biên giới Việt-Trung.[Frontier Livelihoods: Hmong resilience in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands]. In: Nguyễn Văn Sửu, Lâm Bá Nam, Vương Xuân Tình, Nguyễn Văn Huy (editors) Nhân Học Ở Việt Nam: Lịch Sử, Hiện Trạng Và Triển Vọng [Anthropology in Vietnam: History, Current Status and prospects]. Nhà xuất bản Tri thức, Hanoi, pp315-333.

Turner, Sarah, Thomas Kettig, Đinh Thị Diệu, and Phạm Văn Cự (2016) State Livelihood Planning and Legibility in Vietnam’s Northern Borderlands: The “Rightful Criticisms” of Local Officials. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 46 (1) 42-70.


Li Ya Juan, Sarah Turner and Cui H. (2015) Confrontations and concessions: An everyday politics of tourism in three ethnic minority villages, Guizhou province, China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural ChangeDOI:10.1080/14766825.2015.1011162

Pham, T.T.Hien., Sarah Turner and Kate Trincsi (2015) Applying a Systematic Review to Land Use Land Cover Change in Northern Upland Vietnam: the Missing Case of the Borderlands. Geographical Research. DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12133

Turner, Sarah and N. Oswin (2015) Itinerant livelihoods: Street vending-scapes and the politics of mobility in upland socialist Vietnam. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography.

Zhao Yawei (2015) ‘China’s leading historical and cultural city’: Branding Dali City through public–private partnerships in Bai architecture revitalization. Cities, doi:10.1016/j.cities.2015.07.009


Bonnin, Christine and Sarah Turner (2014) Remaking Markets in the Mountains: Integration, trader agency and resistance in upland northern Vietnam. Journal of Peasant Studies.DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2014.905471

Champalle, Clara and Sarah Turner (2014) Cash Crops and Climate Shocks: Flexible Livelihoods and Food Security in Southeast Yunnan, China. Chinese Journal of Applied Anthropology, 3 (1) 47-78.

Eidse, Noelani and Sarah Turner (2014) Doing resistance their own way: counter-narratives of street vending in Hanoi, Vietnam through solicited journaling. Area. DOI: 10.1111/area.12107

Gerber, Jonathan, Sarah Turner and Milgram, L (2014) Food provisioning and wholesale agricultural commodity chains in northern Vietnam. Human Organization 73 (1), 50-61. 

Rousseau, Jean-François (2014) An imperial railway failure: the Indochina-Yunnan railway, 1898-1941. Journal of Transport History, 35:1, 1-17.

Trincsi, Kate, Pham T.T. Hien, and Sarah Turner (2014) Mapping mountain diversity: Ethnic minorities and land use land cover change in Vietnam’s borderlands. Land Use Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.06.022

Zhang Jialong, Pham T.T. Hien, Kalacska, M. and Sarah Turner (2014) Using Landsat Thematic Mapper records to map land cover change and the impacts of reforestation programmes in the borderlands of southeast Yunnan, China: 1990-2010. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 31, 25-36.


Bonnin, Christine (2013) “Doing Fieldwork and Making Friends in Upland Northern Vietnam: Entanglements of the Professional, Personal, and Political”, pp.121-142. In S. Turner (ed.) Red stamps and gold stars. Fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Bonnin, Christine and Sarah Turner (2013) ’A good wife stays home’: Gendered negotiations over state agricultural programmes and food security, upland Vietnam. Gender, Place and Culture. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2013.832663

Cornet, Candice (2013) “The Fun and Games of Taking Children to the Field in Guizhou, China”, pp.80-99. In S. Turner (ed.) Red stamps and gold stars. Fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Mackenzie, C. A., B. Ricker, J. Christensen, E. Heller, E. Kagan, P. M. Osano, Lindsay Long and Sarah Turner (2013) Dear Diary Revisited: Reflecting on collaborative journaling. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 37 (4), 480-486. 

Mackenzie, C. A., Christensen J. and Turner Sarah (2013) Advocating beyond the academy: dilemmas of communicating relevant research results. Qualitative Research.DOI: 10.1177/1468794113509261

Michaud, Jean (2013) Digging up military ethnography from Upland Tonkin (Northern Vietnam), 1897-1904. Journal of Vietnamese Studies 8(4).

Michaud, Jean (2013) “Comrades of minority policy in China, Vietnam, and Laos”, pp.22-39. In S. Turner (ed.) Red stamps and gold stars. Fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Turner, Sarah (2013) “Dilemmas and Detours: Fieldwork with Ethnic Minorities in Upland Southwest China, Vietnam, and Laos”, pp.1-21. In S. Turner (ed.) Red stamps and gold stars. Fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Turner, Sarah (2013) “The Silenced Research Assistant Speaks Her Mind”, pp.220-238. In S. Turner (ed.) Red stamps and gold stars. Fieldwork dilemmas in upland socialist Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press

Turner, Sarah (2013) Red stamps and green tea: Fieldwork negotiations and dilemmas in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands. Area.45 (4), 396-402.

Turner, Sarah (2013) Under the state’s gaze: Upland trading-scapes on the Sino-Vietnamese border.Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 34 (1), 9-24.


Bonnin, Christine and Sarah Turner (2012) At What Price Rice? Food Security, Livelihood Vulnerability, and State Interventions in Upland Northern Vietnam. Geoforum. 43 (1), 95-105.

Messier, Philippe and Jean Michaud (2012) ‘The nice culture and the good behaviour’: State Media and Ethnic Minorities in Lào Cai Province, Vietnam. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. 19(3):339-359. DOI:10.1080/1070289X.2012.705251

Michaud, Jean (2012) Hmong Infrapolitics: A view from Vietnam. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 35 (11), 1853-1873. DOI:10.1080/01419870.2011.615411

Turner, Sarah (2012) ‘Forever Hmong’: ethnic minority livelihoods and agrarian transition in upland northern Vietnam. Professional Geographer. 64 (4), 540-553.

Turner, Sarah (2012) Making a living the Hmong way: an actor-oriented livelihoods approach to everyday politics and resistance in upland Vietnam. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 102 (2), 403-422.



Bonnin, Christine and Sarah Turner (2011) Livelihood Vulnerability and Food Security among Upland Ethnic Minorities in Northern Vietnam. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies. 26 (1-2), 308-314.

Daviau, Steve (2011) “Integration of a lineage society on the Laos-Vietnam border, Foucaldian analysis of State integrationist pressures, resettlement and local agency in Tarieng communities”, in Michaud, J. and T. Forsyth (eds) Moving Mountains: Livelihoods and Ethnicity in upland China, Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Michaud, Jean (2011) “Conclusion: Lesson for the Future” pp. 215-227. In J. Michaud & T. Forsyth (eds), Moving Mountains: Highland Livelihoods and Ethnicity in China, Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 

Tugault-Lafleur, Claire and Sarah Turner (2011) Of Rice And Spice: Hmong Livelihoods And Diversification in the Northern Vietnam Uplands. In in Michaud, J. and T. Forsyth (eds) Moving Mountains. Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


Special issue of Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2) 2010 with numerous lab member contributors. 

Bonnin, Christine (2010) Navigating fieldwork politics, practicalities and ethics in the upland borderlands of northern Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2).

Cornet, Candice (2010) Fieldwork among the Dong national minority in Guizhou, China: practicalities, obstacles and challenges. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2).

Daviau, Steve (2010) Organisations à but non lucratif: timide émergence de la société civile en République Démocratique Populaire Lao. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. (30), number 3–4.

Daviau, Steve (2010) Conducting fieldwork with Tarieng communities in southern Laos: Negotiating discursive spaces between neoliberal dogmas and Lao socialist ideology. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2).

Gros, S (2010) A Heuristic Blunder: Notes on an ethnographic situation in southwest China. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2).

McKinnon, J. (2010): Ways of seeing environmental change: Participatory research engagement in Yunnan, China with ethnic minority Hani participants. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2).

Michaud, Jean (2010) Research note: Fieldwork, supervision and trust. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2).

Michaud, Jean (2010) Editorial: Zomia and Beyond. Journal of Global History5(2),187-214.

Turner, Sarah (2010) Challenges and dilemmas: fieldwork with upland minorities in socialist Vietnam, Laos and southwest China. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2), 121-134.

Turner, Sarah (2010) The silenced assistant: reflections of invisible interpreters and research assistants. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 51 (2), 206-219.

Turner, Sarah (2010) Borderlands and border narratives: a longitudinal study of challenges and opportunities for local traders shaped by the Sino-Vietnamese border. Journal of Global History. (5), 265-287.


Michaud, Jean (2009) Handling Mountain Minorities in China, Vietnam and Laos: From History to Current Issues. Asian Ethnicity. 10(1), 25-49.

Tugault-Lafleur, Claire and Turner Sarah (2009) The Price of Spice: Ethnic Minority Livelihoods and Cardamom Commodity Chains in Upland Northern Vietnam. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 30, 388-403.

Turner, Sarah and Dominique Caouette (2009) Agrarian Angst: Rural Resistance in Southeast Asia. Geography Compass. 3, 950-975.



Daviau, Steve (2008) Kehitysen aiheuttaman uudelleenasuttamisen ongelmat Laosin kansantasavallasa (in Finnish). Ethnia: 1/2008, 23-29.

Michaud, Jean (2008) Flexibilité de l’économie chez les Hmong de la haute région du Viêt-nam septentrional. Aséanie22, 151-83.

Schoenberger, Laura and Turner Sarah (2008) Negotiating Remote Borderland Access: Small-Scale Trade on the Vietnam – China Border. Development and Change. 39 (4), 667–696.

Turner Sarah, and Michaud Jean (2008) Imaginative and Adaptive Economic Strategies for Hmong Livelihoods in Lào Cai Province, Northern Vietnam. In Special issue ‘Minorities at Large: New Approaches to Minority Ethnicity in Vietnam.’ Journal of Vietnamese Studies 3(3), 154-186.


DaCosta, E., and Turner Sarah (2007) Negotiating Changing Livelihoods: the Sampan Dwellers of Tam Giang Lagoon, Viet Nam. Geoforum. 38, 190-206.

Daviau, Steve 2007: Development Induced Resettlement and social suffering in Lao PDR. Indigenous Affairs, IWGIA, 4, 07:22-29.

Turner, Sarah 2007: Trading Old Textiles: the Selective Diversification of Highland Livelihoods in Northern Vietnam. Human Organization. 66 (4), 389-404.

Before 2007:

Michaud, Jean and Turner Sarah (2006) Contending Visions of Sa Pa, A Hill-Station in Viet Nam. Annals of Tourism Research. 33 (3), 785-808.

Michaud, Jean (2004) French Missionary Expansion in Colonial Upper-Tonkin. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies35(2), 287-310.

Michaud, Jean (2004) Missionary Ethnographers in Upper-Tonkin: The Early Years. Asian Ethnicity5(2),179-194.

Michaud, Jean and Turner Sarah (2003) Tribulations d’un marché de montagne. Sapa, province de Lao Cai, Vietnam. Études rurales. n° 165-166, janvier-juin. 53-80.

Michaud, Jean, Turner Sarah, and Roche, Y (2004) Mapping ethnic diversity in highland Northern Vietnam. GeoJournal. 57 (4), 281-299. Mapping Ethnic Diversity in Highland Northern Vietnam link for maps.

Michaud, Jean (2000) The Montagnards in Northern Vietnam from 1802 to 1975: A Historical Overview from Exogenous Sources. Ethnohistory. 47(2), 333-68.

Michaud, Jean and Sarah Turner (2000) The Sa Pa Marketplace, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 41 (1), 85-100.

Turner, Sarah, Hardy A., and Jean Michaud (2000) Special Issue. Migration, Markets and Social Change in the Highlands of Vietnam. Asia Pacific Viewpoint41 (1).