Simon Bilodeau
MA, Laval, 2021
Thesis: Tourism as a Tool for Political Integration: Negotiation and Resistance among the Hmong of Northern Vietnam
Peter Garber
MA, McGill, 2021
Thesis: The currency of critters: Examining relationships between ethnic minority farmers and domesticated animals in upland northern Vietnam
Bernard Huber
PhD, McGill, 2019.
Thesis: The Environmentality of Forest Conservation in a remote Hmong Village in Yên Bài Province, Vietnam.
Pascale-Marie Milan
PhD, Laval, 2019.
Thesis: Tourisme et changement social chez les Na de Chine, approche anthropologique comparée d’une coutume matrimoniale: le Séssé.
Antoine Garnier
MA, Laval, 2019.
Les guides de trekking hmong à Sa Pa, Vietnam: entre modernité et résistance.
Jonathan Paradis
MA, Laval, 2018.
Thesis: La subjectivité néolibérale chez les étudiants universitaires cambodgiens de Phnom Penh.
Charles (Abe) Solberg
MA, McGill, 2018.
Thesis: Urbanization and ethnic minority livelihoods in Yunnan, China.
Jean-Daniel Vachon
MA, Laval, 2018.
Thesis: Des réfugiés désirables: l’intégration par l’économie informelle de réfugiés karen en Thaïlande.
Kate Trincsi
MSc, McGill, 2017.
Thesis: Land use and land cover change dynamics in the northern Vietnam uplands.
Karen Bouchard
MA, Laval, 2017.
Water Governance and Security in the Highlands of Kalinga Province, Cordillera Administrative Region, Luzon, Philippines.
Dylan Putzel
MA, McGill
Thesis: Trade Networks, Political Dynamics, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands.
Dr Jean Francois Rousseau
PhD, McGill, 2014; now Prof at Ottawa U.
Thesis: ‘Green energies’ along the Red River: the modernisation of a Chinese frontier region and the implications for riparian rural livelihoods in Honghe Prefecture.
Dr Xu Yi Qiang (Jonathan)
Post-doctoral fellow/Visiting scholar 2016
Research interests: Highland Ethnic Minorities; Southeast China; Ritual Healing Practices and Social Culture in Hani Villages; Religious Anthropology; Medical Anthropology.
Dr LI Yajuan
PhD, Chinese Academy of Science, 2015; co-supervisor Prof Turner
Thesis: Tourism development in remote ethnic minority communities – the case of Qiandongnan prefecture, Guizhou province, China.
my Darith Chhem
MA, Laval, 2015
Thesis: Tenure foncière et société rurale dans le Cambodge d’après-guerre.
Marc-André Morency
MA, Laval, 2015
Thesis: Diaspora, ethnicité et sécularisme: l’identité religieuse sikh en lien avec son contexte d’expression.
ZHAO Yawei
MA, McGill, 2015
Thesis: Minority livelihoods and tourism development in Yunnan Province, China.
Dr Candice Cornet
Visiting post-doc, McGill, 2014; PhD, 2011, Laval
Sarah Delisle
MA, McGill, 2014
Thesis: ‘The Weather Is Like The Game We Play’: Hmong and Yao Food Security and Emerging Livelihood Vulnerabilities in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam.
Victoria Kyeyune
MA, McGill, 2014
Thesis:Yielding to High Yields: Hybrid Maize and Hmong Food Security in Ha Giang Province, Northern Vietnam.
ZHANG Jialong
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Forestry, Southwest Forestry University, Yunnan, China 2013-14
Dr Pham Thi Thanh Hiên
Post-Doc, McGill, 2012; now Prof, UQAM, Montréal.
ra Champalle
MA, McGill, 2012
Thesis: ‘Cash Crops And Climate Shocks: Flexible Livelihoods In Southeast Yunnan, China’
Mathieu Poulin-Lamarre 
MA, Laval, 2012
Thesis: Folklorisation et développement des minorités dans la Chine du sud-ouest: la construction de la nation chinoise contemporaine dans les marges.
Dr Christine Bonnin
PhD, 2012, McGill; now Lecturer/Prof UCD, Dublin
Thesis: ‘Markets in the Mountains: Market Exchange, Trade Practices and Trader Livelihoods in Highland Northern Vietnam’.
Steeve Daviau
Consultant, Laos
Interests: ‘Développement, modernité et intégration à la nation d’une minorité bahnarique dans le Laos postsocialiste’.
Samuel Dubois
BA Hons 2011, McGill
Thesis: Analyzing Military Archives of the Northern Vietnamese Borderlands: French Colonial Military Perceptions of Ethnic Minorities.
Noelani Eidse
BA Hons 2011, McGillThesis: Exploring urban resistance: Street vending and negotiations over public space livelihoods in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Dr Marlène Elias 
SSHRC Post-doc, Laval; PhD McGill 2010. Now gender specialist CGIAR
Current project: Livelihoods, commodity chains, gender and fair trade in the Global South.
Philippe Messier
MA, 2010, Laval
Thesis: ‘L’intégration à la majorité par l’image : dynamiques et stratégies de représentations des groupes minoritaires du district de Sa Pa du Vietnam postsocialiste.’
Jonathan Gerber
MA, 2010, McGill
Thesis: ‘From farm plot to cooking pot: regional and local fruit and vegetable commodity chains supplying Hanoi, Vietnam’
Vincent Landry
MA, 2010, Laval
Thesis: ‘ Stratégies de développement, écogouvernance et particularismes locaux: le cas de trois initiatives de développement par l’écotourisme au N-O Laos’.
Lindsay Long
MA, 2009, McGill
Thesis: ‘Unravelling the Threads: The Evolving Complexities of the Highland Textile Trade in Northern Vietnam and Beyond’
François Fortin-Deschêne
MA,2009, U de M
Thesis: ‘Domination, résistance et espace de dialogue; les dynamiques de transformation de l’hégémonie au Viêtnam’.
‘Domination, resistance and dialogue; the dynamics of hegemony in Vietnam’.
Claire Tugault-Lafleur
MA, 2007; McGill
Thesis: ‘Diversifying Livelihoods: Hmong Use and Trade of Forest Products in Northern Vietnam’
Laura Schoenberger
MA, 2006; McGill
Thesis: ‘Crossing the Line: The Changing Nature of Highlander Cross-Border Trade in Northern Vietnam’.
Caroline Goulet
MA, 2005; U de M
Thesis: ‘Rhétorique égalitariste contre pragmatisme autoritaire: les politiques d’État vietnamiennes et leurs implications pour les Hmong/Dao’.