
Press and media

December 2016

Global lakes dataset: Montreal Gazette, McGill Newsroom

January 2015

1) Better dam planning strategies: Nature research highlight, McGill Newsroom, IonE blogEnvironmental Monitor, Hydroworld, and NewsWise 

Study: Grill et al (2015) Environ. Res. Lett. 10 015001 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/1/015001

2) A new global wetlands map: UWMMcGill Newsroom,

Study: Fluet-Chouinard et al (2015) Remote Sensing of Environment 158doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2014.10.015

June 2014

World’s first global city-water usage map covered by  TNC’s, McGill NewsRadio Canada InternationalNational GeographicHuffington PostCircle of Blue, and the Weather Channel (link to study).

Feb 2014

ArcGIS Online Ready-To-Use Geoprocessing services using HydroSHEDS (link)

March 2011

The GRanD database is available in two identical copies from either SEDAC or GWSP.

March 2010

A new global map of rivers based on HydroSHEDS was featured in National Geographic (link to news article)